Email Address for Raja Anime in the UniMy Classifieds is not but

Please email for any anime inquiry.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused..

UniMy Classifieds Team


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Payment Procedure

  • Email us as iiumClassifieds[at] (change [at] to @) your selected package and your advertisement wording accordingly to the space available (5 lines, 18 characters each line).
  • We will check the availability and inform you the details. After we confirmed the available spots, payment can be done through;
o Cash to
 Muaz Abdul Hadi (012-2901605)
 Nur Shahidat (013-3005476)

o CIMB Account (
 Account Number: 0902 0105 9555 28 (Muaz bin Abdul Hadi)

o Maybank (
 Account Number

Done, check your advertisement in the relevant UniMy Classifieds edition